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Industrial Services

Today’s global economy requires a multidisciplinary firm that can promptly assemble a team to achieve a client’s assignments in an effective and professional manner. Robayna and Associates has extensive background in both the planning and engineering of industrial facilities, from initial planning stage to implementation and permitting of the facility.


Our staff works closely with regulating agencies in permitting and environmental issues. The success of every industry lies in being able to operate within the limits of the regulating requirements, with the equipment and layout to create productive environments.


Concrete Batch Plants

Cement Plants

Secondary Containment

Fuel Strorage

Recycling Facilities

Industrial facilities require careful and methodical planning. We have worked in facilities such as Titan Cement, where the modernization of its plant required a complete redistribution and relocation of their multiple facilities, (block manufacturing, pre-casting operation and aggregate mining) to accommodate a new cement plant. Robayna and Associates was instrumental from the initial surveying and planning, governmental relations and approvals,  through the actual construction of the new facility and relocation of the existing plants and assisting in the interconnection of the new plant with the on-going activities. Robayna and Associates used high precision survey equipment and methods to provide the contractor with the proper control to complete the plant.

Today’s competitive market is always expanding and contracting. Clients prefer to obtain equipment from the most reliable sources and at the most competitive prices. Integration of new with used or re-used equipment is the norm when trying to make the most of available resources. Relocation of equipment from one existing plant to another, sometimes hundred of miles away, requires careful managing of resources, precise measuring, proper planning and implementation.

We have represented numerous industrial clients in the modernization of their plants to reach their required objectives and meet governmental agency requirements, while maintaining the clients objectives to achieve a productive plant.

The numerous industrial facilities we have served include airline catering facilities, automobile painting shops, jewelry and metal plating operations, recycling facilities (paper, cardboard, plastic, metal tires and construction debris), shoe factory, automobile dealerships, dry cleaning plants, pharmaceutical manufacturing plants, concrete batch plants & pre-casting operations, printing shops, etc.

Contact Us

 Address. 5723 NW 158 Street, Miami Lakes, FL 33014

Tel. 305-823-9316

© 2024 by Robayna and Associates, Inc.

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